a blank such as h2so4 is a symbol that shows the element in a compound and the ratio of atoms

that makes no sense

I need help

Help quick my phone will die

chemical formula


The blank you mentioned, H2SO4, is known as a chemical formula. It represents a compound called sulfuric acid. Chemical formulas are a combination of symbols that represent the elements present in a compound and the ratio of atoms of each element.

To determine the symbol and ratio of atoms in a compound like H2SO4, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the elements present in the compound. In this case, we have hydrogen (H), sulfur (S), and oxygen (O).

Step 2: Determine the ratio of atoms for each element. The subscript numbers next to each element symbol indicate the ratio. In H2SO4, the 2 as a subscript for hydrogen indicates that there are two hydrogen atoms bonded to the sulfur atom. The subscript 1 is typically omitted but implied. For sulfur, there is only one atom present. Finally, for oxygen, there are four atoms bonded to the sulfur atom.

Therefore, the chemical formula H2SO4 represents sulfuric acid, which consists of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one sulfur atom and four oxygen atoms bonded to the same sulfur atom.

In a chemical formula, the elements in a compound are represented by their chemical symbols, and the ratio of different elements is represented by subscripts. Consider the compound water as an example. Each water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.Nov 1, 2012

Molecular Formula ( Read ) | Chemistry | CK-12 Foundation