After learning more about the dramatic changes that occurred in the early 1800s, what methods of resolving conflict proved to be the most effective? Write your answer in one complete paragraph.

I really need help on this question because I have no idea what to write. I know that one way they resolved conflicts was with treaties, like in the Mexican-American War, but this wasn't effective because government officials did not abide by the treaty created at the end of this war. Can someone give me ideas on what to write please

When writing about the most effective methods of resolving conflicts in the early 1800s, it is important to consider multiple approaches. One such approach that proved to be effective was diplomatic negotiation and the signing of treaties. While your example of the Mexican-American War highlights a situation where the treaty was not properly upheld, it is crucial to remember that treaties can still be effective if both parties involved are committed to honoring their terms. Additionally, diplomacy goes beyond just the signing of treaties. It also involves open and honest communication, compromise, and mediation between conflicting parties. Another effective method in resolving conflicts during this time was the use of legal mechanisms such as courts. Legal systems, particularly in more developed countries, provided a structure for individuals and nations to seek justice, settle disputes, and enforce the rule of law. Adjudication through courts allowed for fair resolutions based on evidence, precedent, and the principles of justice. Lastly, military intervention, although used as a last resort, was sometimes necessary to forcefully resolve conflicts. While not always the preferred method, the deployment of military force and the subsequent defeat of one party could lead to a resolution of conflict. It is important to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods within their historical context, considering the dynamics of power, societal norms, and the particular circumstances at play.