If the mayor is willing to cut taxes, what might an opponent's contradiction of the mayor's stance be?

to have no taxes

to keep taxes the same

to cut taxes too

to increase taxes

Would this be to have no taxes?

Thank you for your help I chose to increase taxes and I got it correct.

It could be a, b, or d -- but are you looking for the OPPOSITE of "cut taxes"?


No, the opponent's contradiction of the mayor's stance would not be to have no taxes. The opponent's contradiction would be to propose an alternative viewpoint that directly contradicts the mayor's stance of wanting to cut taxes.

In this case, the opponent's contradiction would be to increase taxes. The opponent would argue that instead of cutting taxes, it is necessary to increase taxes in order to fund public services, infrastructure, or other government programs. By proposing an increase in taxes, the opponent is presenting a different approach to managing public finances and addressing the needs of the community.