How many scores do gymnasts receive in official competition?

1 or 2?

I'm not sure, the question does not give any more information.

3 and 4 are incorrect. Heres the full question:

How many scores do gymnasts receive in official competition?
Select one:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

I think 2, but I'm not completely sure.

This is what I got from Google:
Gymnasts now receive separate marks for degree of difficulty and for execution in each event. The TWO are added to obtain the overall score, which usually ranges from 14 to 17 for top-level gymnasts. It is only possible, but not probable, for a gymnast to score a 10.0 in the execution appraisal.

In official gymnastics competitions, gymnasts typically receive two scores. One score evaluates the difficulty of their routine, called the Difficulty Score, while the other score assesses their execution and performance, known as the Execution Score.

To calculate the Difficulty Score, judges assign a value to each element included in the routine, such as flips, twists, and specific skills. The sum of these values determines the Difficulty Score.

The Execution Score is given by judges based on the gymnast's performance, technique, and mastery of the routine. They deduct points for errors, such as wobbles, falls, or imperfect form. The Execution Score is then added to the Difficulty Score to obtain the final score.

Therefore, gymnasts receive both a Difficulty Score and an Execution Score, resulting in two scores in total.

Im a 10 year gymnast so I should know but im not sure what your asking? do you mean in each section like bars, floor, vault, beam ? please rephrase your question and I can answer it