You use a line of best fit for a set of data to make a prediction about an unknown value. The correlation coefficient for your data set is –0.015. How confident can you be that your predicted value will be reasonably close to the actual value?

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If r = ±1.00, that indicates perfect predictability. r = .00 = no predictability. Now what do you think?

To determine how confident you can be in your predicted value based on the correlation coefficient, you need to understand the strength of the correlation. The correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, where -1 indicates a strong negative correlation, 1 indicates a strong positive correlation, and 0 indicates no correlation.

In your case, the correlation coefficient is -0.015, which is very close to 0. This suggests that there is no significant linear relationship between the variables in your data set. Therefore, you cannot be very confident that your predicted value will be reasonably close to the actual value using a line of best fit.

In such scenarios, it may be more appropriate to use other statistical methods or consider alternative approaches for making predictions. Keep in mind that the correlation coefficient only measures the linear relationship between variables and does not account for other factors that may affect the accuracy of predictions.