11. This question has two parts
1. List some important ideas that Johnny Tremain includes. Why did you choose those ideas?
2: tell how using a reading roll helped you understand the book. the reding roles are described in unit 4 lesson 1 slide 4. support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.

Sure, I can help you. Let's break down each part and explain how to answer them.

Part 1: List some important ideas that Johnny Tremain includes.

To answer this question, you need to identify some key ideas or themes present in the book Johnny Tremain. Here's how you can find them:

1. Read the book: Start by reading the book carefully. Pay attention to recurring themes, motifs, and character development. Take notes as you read to help you remember important ideas.

2. Analyze character relationships: Look at the interactions between characters in the book. Identify important relationships, conflicts, and how they contribute to the overall theme of the story. Examples might include ideas of friendship, loyalty, or betrayal.

3. Consider the historical context: Johnny Tremain is set during the American Revolutionary War. Consider how the historical setting shapes the ideas and conflicts in the book. Look for themes of independence, freedom, and patriotism.

4. Research critical analysis: Expand your understanding by researching critical analysis or book reviews of Johnny Tremain. Reading what others have said about the book can help you identify additional important ideas.

Once you've done this research, make a list of three to five important ideas that you identified in Johnny Tremain. For each idea, explain your reasoning behind choosing it.

Part 2: Using a reading roll to understand the book.

To answer this question, you need to explain how using a reading roll (described in Unit 4, Lesson 1, Slide 4) helped you understand the book. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Review the reading roll: Go back to Unit 4, Lesson 1, Slide 4, and carefully review the instructions for using a reading roll. Understand the different components, such as summarizing, questioning, comparing, and connecting.

2. Apply the reading roll: Think about how you used the reading roll while reading Johnny Tremain. Did you summarize each chapter or section? Did you ask yourself questions about the plot or characters? Did you make comparisons to other books or historical events? Did you connect the events in the story to personal experiences or current events?

3. Gather evidence from the novel: To support your response, find at least two specific examples or pieces of evidence from the book where using the reading roll helped you gain a better understanding of the story, characters, or themes. These could be moments where summarizing, questioning, comparing, or connecting aided your comprehension.

Remember to explain how the reading roll helped you understand the book and support your response with evidence from Johnny Tremain.

I hope this explanation helps you with your assignment!

Here is the answer to your question Ol Muske

Problem Statement
It starts snowing in the morning and continues steadily throughout the day. A snowplow that removes snow at a constant rate starts plowing at noon. It plows 2 miles in the first hour, and 1 mile in the second. What time did it start snowing?
Let t be the time measured in hours after noon. Let x(t) be the distance the snowplow has travelled. Let h(t) be the height of the snow at time t. Let α be the constant rate of snow removal. (in any convenient unit) Let k be the constant rate at which snow falls. (in any convenient unit) Let b be the (unknown) number of hours before noon that it started snowing.
The change in height is given by the rate the snow falls,
d dt
h(t) = k ⇒ h(t) = kt + c h(-b) = 0, c = kb. h(t) = k(t + b)
The rate α is proportional to the cross-section of the snow being plowed and the speed of the truck. Let’s assume the width of the road is a constant ω. Then α = ω h(t) d dtx(t). Rearranging, we find that
d dt
x(t) =
C t + b
C = α kω
Which is a separable differential equation. Integrating both sides yields x(t) = Cln|t + b|+ D Plugging in the condition x(0) = 0 gives the constant of integration D = −Cln(b). Plugging in the other two conditions x(1) = 1(mi). and x(2) = 2, then lets us solve for b = .618hr. So the snow began about 37 minutes before noon. That is, at about 11:23 am