The Sons of Liberty led a revolt at the Georgia governor's mansion in 1766. They were protesting against the

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Stamp Act. To better understand this historical event and the reasons behind it, let's break it down step by step:

1. Research: Start by researching the Sons of Liberty and the Georgia governor's mansion revolt in 1766. Look for reliable historical sources, such as books, academic articles, and reputable websites, to gather accurate information.

2. Background: The Sons of Liberty were a secret organization formed in the American colonies to protest against British policies, particularly taxation without representation. They played a significant role in various acts of protest leading up to the American Revolution.

3. The Stamp Act: The Stamp Act was a British law passed in 1765 that required all legal documents, newspapers, and other printed materials in the American colonies to bear a stamp purchased from British authorities. This act was seen by the colonists as a direct tax imposed by the British Parliament without their consent.

4. The Georgia Governor's Mansion Revolt: In 1766, the Sons of Liberty organized a protest against the Stamp Act at the Georgia governor's mansion. The Sons of Liberty believed that the governor was responsible for enforcing this unjust tax, and they expressed their opposition through actions like protests and demonstrations.

5. Causes and Motives: The Sons of Liberty, including those in Georgia, were motivated by a range of reasons. They objected to British taxation policies, which they perceived as violating their rights and liberties as colonial subjects. They saw the Stamp Act as an egregious example of this taxation without representation, and thus protested against it.

6. Impact: The protests and demonstrations carried out by the Sons of Liberty, including the revolt at the Georgia governor's mansion, helped galvanize public opinion and mobilize resistance among colonists. Their actions were part of a wider movement that eventually led to the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of the Sons of Liberty, their role in the protest against the Stamp Act, and the Georgia governor's mansion revolt in 1766.