please check:

One of the characteristics of postmodern fiction is the use of
a. linear, chronological plots and standard methods of character development
b. nontraditional forms that blur the boundaries between fiction and nonficitioin.
c. themes advancing the idea that life is limited
d. imitation and the nostalgic pursuit of the pas

i chose B

That's probably right. The others don't fit.

To check your answer, I will provide an explanation of postmodern fiction and the characteristics associated with it.

Postmodern fiction is a literary movement that emerged in the mid-20th century. It tends to reject traditional storytelling techniques and instead focuses on experimenting with form, structure, and narrative devices. Postmodern fiction often challenges the conventional boundaries between fiction and nonfiction, blending elements and blurring the distinction between the two.

To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option:

a. Linear, chronological plots and standard methods of character development: This answer choice does not align with the characteristics of postmodern fiction. Postmodern fiction tends to disrupt linear plots and character development, opting for unconventional narrative approaches.

b. Nontraditional forms that blur the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction: This answer choice matches one of the key characteristics of postmodern fiction. Postmodern writers often employ distinct storytelling techniques, such as metafiction (fiction about fiction), intertextuality (incorporating other texts into the narrative), or unreliable narrators, all of which challenge traditional definitions of fiction and nonfiction.

c. Themes advancing the idea that life is limited: This answer choice does not align with the characteristics of postmodern fiction. Postmodern fiction often explores themes such as existentialism, the fragmentation of truth, and the uncertainty of knowledge, but it does not necessarily focus on the idea that life is limited.

d. Imitation and the nostalgic pursuit of the past: This answer choice does not align with the characteristics of postmodern fiction. Although postmodern fiction may incorporate elements of past literature or cultural references, it is not primarily concerned with imitation or a nostalgic pursuit of the past.

Based on the explanation provided, it can be concluded that the correct answer is indeed b. Nontraditional forms that blur the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction.