Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line that satisfies each set of conditions.

29. Passes through (-2,5) and (3,1)
I already figured out the slope which is -4/5, but I can't figure out how to calculate the y-intercept. Can someone help me?

You must know that the slope y-intercept form of the equation takes the form

y = mx + b
and you said that the slope is -4/5 , so you know the equation must be
y = (-4/5)x + b
Why not just sub in (3,1) ? Wouldn't that leave b as your unknown ???

Just for fun, also sub in (-2,5) and see what happens.

Wait, could you please explain the process of that. This is the part where I get really confused. My textbook didn't explain it well.

(-2, 5), (3,1 ).

m = (1-5)/(3-(-2)) = -4/5.

Y = mx + b.
5 = (-4/5)*(-2) + b.
b = ?.
Eq: Y = (-4/5)x + b(use calculated value of b).

That would mean that b= -17/5. So my final answer would be: y = -4/5x - 17/5.

Thank you both for all your help. I now understand how to do it. :')

Glad we could help!

To find the equation of the line in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), you have already found the slope (m) to be -4/5. Now, to determine the y-intercept (b), you can use one of the given points on the line, such as (-2,5).

Let's substitute the values (-2,5) into the equation y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept:

5 = (-4/5)(-2) + b

Simplifying the equation gives:

5 = (8/5) + b

To isolate b, subtract (8/5) from both sides:

5 - (8/5) = b

Common denominators:

25/5 - 8/5 = b


17/5 = b

Therefore, the y-intercept is b = 17/5.

The equation in slope-intercept form for the line that passes through (-2,5) and (3,1) is:

y = (-4/5)x + 17/5