Triangle abc is similar to triangle def, de=4, ab=x, ac=x+2, df= x+6

What does length ab equal?

You were doing great so far.

x^2+2x=8 <------ a quadratic, put it in proper form.
x^2 + 2x - 8 = 0
(x + 4)(x - 2) = 0
x = -4 or x = 2, but x could not be negative, so x = 2
and AB = 2

Did you make a sketch of the two triangles??

Fill in the corresponding data values.

If triangles are similar, then their corresponding sides
are in the same ratio.

Let me know what your opening equation is.

I did proportions and got x^2+2x=8

I don't remember if I can factor x^2+2x

ohhh okay thank you


x/4 = (x+2)/(x+4),
x^2 + 6x = 4x + 8,
x^2 + 2x -8 = 0,
(x-2)(x+4) = 0,
X = 2, and -4.
AB = X = 2.
We used the +value of X.

To find the length of AB, we can set up a proportion between the corresponding sides of similar triangles ABC and DEF.

In similar triangles, the corresponding sides are in proportion to each other. So, we can set up the proportion:


Let's substitute the given values:

AB/4 = (x + 2)/(x + 6)

To solve for AB, we can cross-multiply and then solve for x:

4(x + 2) = AB(x + 6)

4x + 8 = ABx + 6AB

Rearrange the equation by bringing all the terms on one side:

ABx - 4x - 6AB = -8

Factor out x:

x(AB - 4) - 6AB = -8

Now, we can isolate AB:

AB - 4 = (-8 + 6AB)/x

AB = (-8 + 6AB)/x + 4

Simplifying further:

AB = (-8 + 6AB + 4x)/x

Now, we can't solve for AB because we don't have the value of x. Unless you provide a value for x or additional information, we won't be able to determine the length of AB.