How is the economy of Mexico different from the economies of most Central American countries?

Mexico has a mixed economy, while most Central American countries have a command economy.

Mexico's economy is primarily centered on tourism, while most Central American countries are focused on manufacturing.

Mexico's economy is much larger and diverse than the economies in Central America.

Mexico's economy include a larger percentage of farmers than those in Central America.++

I think its C

C. Mexico's economy is much larger and diverse than the economies in Central America.

To understand how the economy of Mexico is different from those of most Central American countries, we can look at various factors such as the type of economy, industry focus, size, and agricultural sector.

A. Mexico has a mixed economy, while most Central American countries have a command economy: To determine if this statement is true, we can examine the economic systems of Mexico and Central American countries. Mexico has a mixed economy, which means it combines elements of both a free market economy and government intervention. Central American countries, on the other hand, have diverse economic systems, but many of them have traditionally leaned towards command economies, characterized by significant government control and central planning. However, it is important to note that some Central American countries have implemented market-oriented reforms in recent years.

B. Mexico's economy is primarily centered on tourism, while most Central American countries are focused on manufacturing: To evaluate this statement, we need to consider the main industries in Mexico and Central American countries. While Mexico does have a significant tourism sector, it is not the sole focus of its economy. Mexico's economy is much more diversified, with sectors such as manufacturing, services, and oil production playing vital roles. In contrast, many Central American countries have a heavy emphasis on manufacturing as a source of economic growth, especially in industries such as textiles, apparel, and electronics.

C. Mexico's economy is much larger and diverse than the economies in Central America: This statement is generally true. Mexico has the second-largest economy in Latin America after Brazil. It is one of the top 15 economies worldwide, with a diversified economic base encompassing various industries and sectors. Central American countries, while not negligible, generally have smaller economies compared to Mexico. Additionally, Mexico's economy benefits from its geographical proximity to the United States, which provides significant trade and investment opportunities.

D. Mexico's economy includes a larger percentage of farmers than those in Central America: This statement is incorrect. While agriculture plays a role in Mexico's economy, it is not a significant percentage of the overall workforce. In fact, the majority of Mexico's workforce is employed in the services and manufacturing sectors. In comparison, the agricultural sector is relatively more prominent in some Central American countries, where a larger percentage of the population relies on farming as a source of livelihood.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Mexico's economy is much larger and diverse than the economies in Central America.