Which country has the region's most stable democracy?

A) Guatemala
B) Costa Rica
C) Haiti
D) Dominican Republic

Sorry I didn't see it there was no passage I had to read I just need help checking my answers and I didn't put my answer on there so my answer is C I don't know if that is right or not so I need someone to help me with this question

What does your text say?

What do you mean?

she meant like what did you read about it or did you not read and skipped straigth to the questions

To determine which country has the most stable democracy, we need to gather reliable information about the political stability and democratic governance of each country mentioned. Here are the steps to find the answer:

1) Conduct research: Look for reputable sources such as government reports, international organizations, and academic studies that assess the stability of democracies globally or within the region.

2) Analyze political stability: Assess the overall political stability by considering factors such as stability of government, peaceful transfers of power, absence of major political crises, and respect for democratic institutions.

3) Examine democratic governance: Evaluate the democratic governance by considering factors like the functioning of electoral processes, civil liberties, political transparency, freedom of speech, and human rights records.

Based on the research conducted, the answer is B) Costa Rica. Costa Rica is often regarded as having the most stable democracy in the region. It has a strong commitment to democratic values, a history of peaceful transfers of power, a functioning electoral system, and respect for human rights.

It is important to note that this may change over time, as democratic governance can evolve and face challenges. Therefore, to have the most up-to-date and accurate information, it is advised to consult recent sources when researching the stability of democratic countries.