With all other factors equal, the food most likely to burn your mouth when taken directly from the oven is one with

Select one:
a. a lower specific heat
b. a higher specific heat

To determine which food is most likely to burn your mouth when taken directly from the oven, you need to consider the specific heat of the food. The specific heat is a measure of how much energy is required to raise the temperature of a substance.

If a food has a lower specific heat, it means it requires less energy to heat up and therefore heats up more quickly. This can make it more likely to burn your mouth when taken directly from the oven.

On the other hand, if a food has a higher specific heat, it requires more energy to heat up and therefore heats up more slowly. This can give you more time to cool it down or prevent it from burning your mouth.

Therefore, the food most likely to burn your mouth when taken directly from the oven is one with a lower specific heat.

So the correct answer is:
a. a lower specific heat



As c increases, which is heat capacity, then the change in T (temperature) is smaller; conversely, as c decreases, the change in T will be more pronounced. I think you can solve it from here.

Good answer and well said.