I don't understand this question

The Cay

Identify one conflict from the novel that develops due to the different perspectives of the characters involved. Explain how this conflict affects the characters and serves to advance the plot of the story.

isn't wikipedia a bad source just saying i got taught by a good teacher

Timothy and Philip experience racism because Philip does not believe that an old black man can do anything useful, and as they are trapped alone, they are forced to get to know one another.

What the frick frack, just give me the answer

To understand this question, you need to have some familiarity with the novel "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor. The question specifically asks you to identify one conflict from the novel that arises because of the different perspectives of the characters involved. It then asks you to explain how this conflict impacts the characters and moves the plot forward.

To answer this question, first, you should recall the characters and their unique viewpoints in the novel. Analyze their perspectives and consider how they clash with one another. Look for instances where these conflicting perspectives lead to a conflict or disagreement.

Once you have identified a specific conflict, examine how it affects the characters involved. Think about their emotional and psychological responses, as well as any changes in their relationships or actions within the story. Consider how this conflict propels the plot forward, leading to important developments or events.

To provide a comprehensive answer, you may need to refer to specific events or quotes from the novel to support your analysis. Remember to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between the conflict, its impact on the characters, and its significance to the overall story.

By following these steps and closely examining the characters' perspectives and conflicts, you will be able to answer the question effectively and provide a thorough analysis.

Guys, not trying to be rude, but, if you just read the book or the Wikipedia site "Writeacher" posted, you'll connect the dots. Trust me. I thought it wasn't going to help and I got frustrated but it does. If you go to the wiki site the "Writeacher" posted, go to the section "Racism"

Just reading the summary, I can see plenty of conflicts in this story.


1. Identify one conflict from the novel that develops due to the different perspectives of the characters involved.

2. Explain how this conflict affects the characters

3. and serves to advance the plot of the story.