for the compound:

carbon in the middle with 3 bonds
-double bond to oxygen
-bond to Mn(CO)5
-bond to CH3 group

is the oxidation state of the metal +1?
d count 6?
total electron count 20?
coordination number 7?

To determine the oxidation state of the metal in the compound, we need to consider the oxidation states of the other atoms involved.

In this case, the compound contains a carbon atom bonded to a metal Mn(CO)5, and a CH3 group. Carbon typically has an oxidation state of -4 in its compounds, while the oxidation state of hydrogen is +1. Oxygen has an oxidation state of -2 in most compounds, while the oxidation state of Mn, a transition metal, can vary.

Let's calculate the oxidation state of manganese (Mn) in Mn(CO)5:

The carbon monoxide (CO) ligand has a neutral charge, and each oxygen atom has an oxidation state of -2. Since there are five CO ligands, the total oxidation state contribution from carbon and oxygen is: 5 * (-2) = -10.

The overall oxidation state of Mn(CO)5 is 0 because the compound is neutral, and the sum of all oxidation states should equal the overall charge. Hence:
Oxidation state of Mn + Contribution from CO = 0
Oxidation state of Mn - 10 = 0
Oxidation state of Mn = 10

Therefore, the oxidation state of the manganese (Mn) in Mn(CO)5 is +10, not +1.

Regarding the other parameters:

d count 6:
To determine the d count, we count the number of coordination bonds formed by the metal. In this case, Mn(CO)5 forms only one bond with carbon in the compound. Therefore, the d count is 1, not 6.

Total electron count 20:
To calculate the total electron count, we need to count the number of valence electrons contributed by each atom. The carbon has 4 valence electrons, the oxygen has 6, the Mn(CO)5 contributes 32 (5 * 2 lone pairs + 5 * 2 electrons from the bonds), and the CH3 group contributes 4 (as hydrogen has 1 valence electron).
So the total electron count is: 4 + 6 + 32 + 4 = 46, not 20.

Coordination number 7:
The coordination number represents the number of bonds formed between the metal and the ligands. In this case, there are only two bonds formed—a double bond with oxygen and a bond with the CH3 group. Therefore, the coordination number is 2, not 7.