1. Experimental research is used to study A. Consumer behaviors B. The natural habitats of consumers C. Cause of effect relationships D. Focus group responses

2. Customer relationship management is used for all of the following except A. To target highly valued customers B. To identify all customers who shop with company C. To develop strong customer relationships D. To create offers tailored to specific customers
3. Value marketing refers to A. A marketing plan that costs very little to implement
B. A marketing plan for products that stress quality for less C. A marketing plan that plays on a good set of values D. A marketing plan for products that are inexpensive
4. Which of the following is not a major influence on business buyer behavior A. Environment factors B. Organizational factors C. Individual factors D. Procurement factors
5. The value proposition includes all of the benefits that the A. Product promises to deliver B. Customers receives from a product C. Seller promises to deliver D. A customer attributed to the product
6. When a company chooses to market to several market segments and uses separate offers for each market the company is using a what strategy A. Differentiated marketing B. Concentrated marketing C. Micro marketing D. Undifferentiated marketing 7. Direct channels of distribution include what as members A. Manufactures, retailers, and customers B. Manufactures and retailers C. Manufactures and wholesalers D. Manufactures and customers 9. What occurs when businesses offering competitive products attempt to satisfy the same consumers wants and needs A. Brand competition B. A monopoly C. Monopolistic competition D. Product competition 10. Marketers try to spot what shifts in order to discover new products that might be wanted A. Social class B. Subcultural C. Cultural D. Social role 11. Product promotion refers specifically to all activities undertaken to A. Inform consumers about the product B. Ensure that the product price is what consumers will pay C. Ensure that the product price is higher than the competition D. Inform consumers and encourage them to buy the product. Please need help

My answers are I’m not good at this

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
9. D
10. D
11. A



1. Experimental research is used to study: C. Cause and effect relationships

2. Customer relationship management is used for all of the following except: B. To identify all customers who shop with the company

3. Value marketing refers to: B. A marketing plan for products that stress quality for less

4. Which of the following is not a major influence on business buyer behavior: D. Procurement factors

5. The value proposition includes all of the benefits that the: B. Customer receives from a product

6. When a company chooses to market to several market segments and uses separate offers for each market, the company is using a: A. Differentiated marketing

7. Direct channels of distribution include what as members: A. Manufacturers, retailers, and customers

8. What occurs when businesses offering competitive products attempt to satisfy the same consumer's wants and needs: D. Product competition

9. Marketers try to spot what shifts in order to discover new products that might be wanted: C. Cultural

10. Product promotion refers specifically to all activities undertaken to: D. Inform consumers and encourage them to buy the product.

1. The answer to question 1 is: C. Cause of effect relationships.

Experimental research is a research method used to determine cause-effect relationships between variables. In this type of research, the researcher manipulates an independent variable and measures the effect it has on a dependent variable. By controlling other factors and conducting experiments, researchers can determine if there is a causal relationship between the variables being studied.

To find the answer, you can use online sources or textbooks that cover research methods in psychology or social sciences. Look for information on experimental research and its purpose in studying cause-effect relationships.

2. The answer to question 2 is: B. To identify all customers who shop with the company.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a strategy and technology that companies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data in order to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and sales. CRM systems help companies identify and target their most valuable customers, develop strong relationships with them, and create personalized offers tailored to their needs.

To find the answer, you can refer to marketing textbooks or online resources that cover the topic of customer relationship management. Look for information on the purpose and benefits of CRM, and how it is used in business.

3. The answer to question 3 is: C. A marketing plan that plays on a good set of values.

Value marketing refers to a marketing strategy that emphasizes the positive values associated with a product or brand. It focuses on appealing to consumers' beliefs, aspirations, and ethical considerations in order to create a favorable perception and build customer loyalty.

To find more information on value marketing, you can search for articles, books, or online resources that discuss marketing strategies and concepts. Look for sources that explain the concept of value marketing and its benefits in achieving customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

4. The answer to question 4 is: D. Procurement factors.

The major influences on business buyer behavior include environmental factors (economic, political, cultural), organizational factors (structure, objectives, procedures), and individual factors (age, education, personality). Procurement factors, which refer to the purchasing process and decision-making criteria used by organizations, are not typically considered a major influence on business buyer behavior.

To confirm the answer, you can refer to business marketing textbooks or academic articles that discuss business buyer behavior. Look for information on the various factors that influence business purchasing decisions.

5. The answer to question 5 is: B. Customers receive from a product.

The value proposition refers to the unique combination of benefits that a product or service provides to customers. It includes the value that customers receive from the product, such as functional benefits, emotional benefits, cost savings, convenience, etc.

To find more information on the value proposition, you can refer to marketing textbooks or articles that discuss value creation and customer value. Look for sources that explain the concept of the value proposition and its importance in marketing.

Please let me know if you need help with the remaining questions.