3. In "All Together Now", Jordan uses appeals to emotion and appeals to reason to try to persuade her readers that her views are important. In a paragraph, cite one example of each kind of appeal in her work. Then, explain whether you find Jordan's appeals convincing, supporting your ideas with logical reasons and relevant examples.

Plz help me, I don't know what i should write, plz help me in the hour, it is 4:19pm where i am, i need help, ASAP!!
Thank You,

you did read the story and read the question right? It tells you what you need to do for the question.

But i am confused, im sorry, im terrible in L.A. Ms. Sue, plz help me!!

You do know about different kinds of appeals, don't you?

"According to Aristotle, there are three primary types of appeals:
Logos: A logical appeal. Also known as an evidential appeal.
Pathos: An appeal to the audience's emotions.
Ethos: Moral expertise and knowledge."
Getting the Most Out of a Persuasive Speech | Boundless ...

oh, i get it now, thank you ms. sue :D

To analyze Jordan's use of appeals to emotion and appeals to reason in her work "All Together Now," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the passage carefully and identify instances where Jordan utilizes appeals to emotion. Look for language or examples that evoke strong feelings or create a personal connection. These appeals aim to resonate emotionally with the readers and make them feel more inclined to agree with the author's views.

2. Similarly, identify instances where Jordan uses appeals to reason. These appeals involve logical arguments, evidence, and factual information that support the author's perspective in a logical manner. Pay attention to any statistics, examples, or reasoning she presents.

For example, let's consider a potential example for each type of appeal based on the text:

Appeal to Emotion: "In her piece, Jordan shares a heart-wrenching personal story about a friend who struggled with depression and how having a supportive community positively impacted their life. This narrative taps into the readers' empathy, aiming to evoke strong emotions and create a sense of urgency around the importance of togetherness and support."

Appeal to Reason: "Jordan includes several studies conducted by reputable institutions, which demonstrate how social isolation can lead to negative mental health outcomes. She presents these findings alongside logical reasoning, explaining how fostering a sense of community can combat such issues. By employing facts and logical arguments, Jordan seeks to convince readers of the rationality behind her viewpoint."

After identifying and explaining these appeals, you can provide your own evaluation of their effectiveness. Do you find Jordan's appeals to emotion convincing? If so, explain why, referring to your emotional response or personal connection to the story she shared. On the other hand, do you find her appeals to reason compelling? Discuss the strength of the evidence she presents and how her logical arguments resonate with you.

Remember to support your evaluation with logical reasons and relevant examples, such as personal experiences or additional evidence from other sources.