_________ is a solid fossil fuel that forms from plant remains.

A. Coal
B. Hydrocarbon
C. Natural gas
D. Petroleum

Sarai/Miraculous the answers are:

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. D
100% correct I just took the quiz

This was right! thanks!

I have the same test, but mine has 8 questions. SOMEBODY HALP!

thanks I go to tcah ask me for quiz answers

thx i got an 100%!!👍👍

Conexusssssssss is correct for the quick check. You guys are getting confused. His answers are only for The True Cost of Fossil Fuels Quick Check: Unit 15 Lesson one. For those who have 8 questions that is a science quiz and is a whole another lesson. Hope this helps!

Still 100% correct! Tysm!

Peace! 0_0

Only one of them is solid, coal.

A hydrocarbon could be solid, liquid (crude oil), or gas (methane)

Think you

everyone is rightttttt