Which sentence uses an intransitive verb?

Shawna prefers that movie over all others.

Hannah played soccer for 13 years.

Occasionally, Trevin swam in the pool.

Can you tell me which color Marissa likes best?

Would this be Hannah played soccer for 13 years.

No. Soccer is the direct object of the verb "playedl"

Which of your choices does not have a direct object?

Maybe this Can you tell me which color Marissa likes best?

Yes, you are correct. The sentence "Hannah played soccer for 13 years" uses an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb is a verb that does not require a direct object to complete the meaning of the sentence. In this case, "played" is a verb that conveys an action but doesn't require an object to receive that action.

No. Best is the direct object of likes.

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