What Country became an ally to Cuba after Castro took power?

A. Soviet Union
B. Panama
C. Britain
D. Spain***
I'm not really good at SS so, can you guys help me with this?

Did you happen to Google this? The answer is obvious if you do.

The passage below is from Google:

After the establishment of diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union after the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Cuba became increasingly dependent on Soviet markets and military aid, becoming an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Your answer is in the passage.

That was fast! Thanks!

No problem and good luck!

Ah well, I guess I really am getting obselete :(

Ah, don't think like that! I can only do so much before I tire and stop. All the tutors here are lightning fast! I was lucky enough to be able to answer any questions! ^^;

Of course! I'd be happy to help guide you through finding the answer to your question.

To determine which country became an ally to Cuba after Castro took power, we can start by understanding the historical context. Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba after the Cuban Revolution, which took place from 1953 to 1959. Castro's rise to power marked a significant shift in Cuba's foreign policy, leading to alliances with certain countries.

Now, let's analyze the options given:

A. Soviet Union: The Soviet Union is a possible answer. During the Cold War, Castro established a close relationship and alliance with the Soviet Union, which lasted until the Soviet Union's dissolution in 1991. This alliance was of great significance and had a profound impact on Cuba's political, economic, and military development.

B. Panama: Panama is less likely to be the correct answer. Although Panama is a neighboring country of Cuba, there is no historical evidence to suggest that Panama became an ally to Cuba after Castro took power.

C. Britain: Britain is also an unlikely answer. Historically, Britain did not form a strong alliance with Cuba after Castro took power, and there were no significant geopolitical developments between the two nations during that time.

D. Spain: Spain is not the correct answer. While Spain has historical ties to Cuba due to its colonial past, it did not become a significant ally to Cuba after Castro took power. Spain's relations with Cuba have evolved over time, but it did not form a close alliance during Castro's leadership.

Based on the given options, the correct answer is A. Soviet Union. Castro's alliance with the Soviet Union had a lasting impact on Cuba and its relations with other countries during the Cold War period.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to approach similar questions in the future!