What is the best title for this map?

A map of South America, Africa, and parts of North America and Asia between the years seventeen hundred and eighteen hundred and seventy. The states, cities, and regions that are labeled are Danish Caribbean, North America, South America, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Africa, Sahara, Ethiopia, Mogadishu, Angola, Zanzibar, Mozambique, Oman, India, and the Indian Ocean. Arrows spread from different regions in Africa into other parts. Some of the arrows are labeled, British North America, Spanish America, British Caribbean, French Caribbean, Dutch Caribbean, and Portuguese Brazil.
Gold and Spice Trade Routes

Sources and Destinations of Enslaved Africans

Obstacles to Colonization of the Western Hemisphere

Portuguese Trade Exploration Routes


I'll be glad to check YOUR answer.

I hesitate to guess, not liking my answer.

I thought it was A. but idk

It's not A.

I think it is B


"Mixing It Up with Pirate Jokes: A Map of Trade, Colonization, and African Adventures"

The best title for this map would be B - Sources and Destinations of Enslaved Africans. This title accurately represents the main theme and focus of the map, which is the trade routes that involved the enslavement of Africans during the time period between 1700 and 1870. The map shows the regions involved in the transatlantic slave trade, with arrows indicating the movement of enslaved Africans from Africa to different parts of the Americas, including the Danish Caribbean, British North America, Spanish America, French Caribbean, Dutch Caribbean, and Portuguese Brazil. This title effectively describes the content and provides a clear understanding of the map's subject matter.