What type of conjunction is used

The knight swore to do all this, and after he had made his peace with his kindred, he set forth to do
Sir Galahad's bidding. And it was as the stainless knight had foretold, for in seven days Sir Nulloth
had found death, bravely fighting the pagan pirates.





Would this be correlative?

Correlative conjunctions are in pairs. Didn't one of us give you a link explaining those and telling the main ones?

both ... and ...
either ... or ...
neither ... nor ...

Study about Conjunctions and about Correlative Conjunctions here.

Let us know what you decide.

After reading i believe it would be coordinating


There are THREE of them in that passage!

No, the conjunction used in the given excerpt is not correlative.

To determine the type of conjunction, let's analyze the sentence structure. The conjunction "and" is used to connect two independent clauses: "The knight swore to do all this" and "after he had made his peace with his kindred, he set forth to do Sir Galahad's bidding."

In this case, the conjunction "and" is functioning as a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two or more words, phrases, or clauses of equal grammatical importance. They can be remembered using the acronym FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Therefore, the correct answer is coordinating.