How are capital resources used in production?

A. They allow producers access to world markets
B. They make it possible to employ more skilled laborers
C. They provide tools that make production more efficient
D. They purchase the raw materials needed for production

C. They provide tools that make production more efficient.

The correct answer is C. Capital resources are used in production to provide tools and equipment that make the production process more efficient.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand what capital resources are and how they are used in production. Capital resources refer to man-made goods that are used in the production process, such as machinery, equipment, tools, and buildings. These resources are not consumed in the production process but rather aid in the production of goods and services.

Capital resources play a vital role in production by providing tools and equipment that make the production process more efficient. For example, factories use machinery and equipment to automate tasks that would be time-consuming or physically demanding for human laborers. This automation increases productivity and reduces production costs.

By using capital resources, producers are able to improve their production processes, increase output, and enhance the quality of their products. This ultimately leads to higher efficiency and profitability for businesses.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Capital resources provide tools that make production more efficient.

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