The author of “Hip­Hop Planet” uses the image of the candy box with a ribbon tied around it to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio because

A. it shows that not everyone can make it as a full-time rapper
B. it shows how popular hip-hop music was in Ohio
C. chocolate was Henry Rosenkranz's second favorite candy
D. it emphasizes the work of the ladies at the candy factory***

Is D correct?

No, D is not correct. The author of "Hip-Hop Planet," James McBride, uses the image of the candy box with a ribbon tied around it to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio because it emphasizes the work of the ladies at the candy factory.

No, option D is not correct. The author of "Hip-Hop Planet" uses the image of the candy box with a ribbon tied around it to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio because it emphasizes the work of the ladies at the candy factory. The correct answer is actually option A: "it shows that not everyone can make it as a full-time rapper."

To arrive at this answer, you need to analyze the text and the context in which the candy box image is mentioned. In the essay "Hip-Hop Planet" by James McBride, he uses the candy box metaphor to symbolize the dreams and aspirations of the people in Dayton, Ohio, particularly aspiring hip-hop artists.

In the essay, McBride describes Dayton as a city where many young people dream of becoming successful hip-hop artists but face numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. The candy box with a ribbon tied around it represents the allure and attractiveness of the hip-hop industry, similar to how a box of candy seems enticing and desirable. However, not everyone can achieve their dreams of becoming a full-time rapper, just as not everyone can afford or obtain a box of candy.

Therefore, option A is the correct answer because it best captures the meaning and symbolism behind the candy box image used by the author.

B is the best answer.