Choose the meaning that best matches the word in italics.

Many actors avoid playing superhero's because they fear the STEREOTYPE that comes with success in the role.
A. label
B. popularity
C. persona
D. restrictions

I thinks its A

Yes, A.

Thank you Ms. Sue! 😄😅

You are welcome, IDK.

To determine the meaning of the word in italics, we need to analyze the sentence and the context. In this sentence, it says that actors avoid playing superheroes because they fear the "stereotype" that comes with success in the role. Now let's look at the options:

A. label: A label refers to a category, description, or tag applied to someone or something.
B. popularity: Popularity refers to being liked, admired, or well-known by many people.
C. persona: Persona refers to the role or identity that someone presents to others.
D. restrictions: Restrictions refer to limitations or rules that restrict or confine something.

Considering the context, option A, "label," seems to be the most appropriate choice. The stereotype associated with playing a superhero is likely a predefined and often negative label that actors fear being associated with.

Thus, A. label is the meaning that best matches the word in italics.