3. Muscles located in the walls of the small intestine help push digested material along. Muscles located in the arteries help push blood along. Based on this information and your understanding of muscle types, which of the following statements is correct?

a. Both sets of muscles are involuntary and smooth.
b. Both sets of muscles are voluntary and smooth.
c. Both sets of muscles are smooth, although one set is voluntary, and the other set is involuntary.
d. Both sets of muscles are voluntary, although one set is striated and the other set is smooth.

4. Which of the following sets of words best fills in the blanks in the following sentence?

Despite their ______ structure, human bones are surprisingly ______ .

a. hollow; strong
b. solid; lightweight
c. compact; flexible
d. spongy; fragile

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For Question 3, understanding the different types of muscles is important. There are three types of muscles: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones and are usually voluntary, meaning we can consciously control them. Smooth muscles are found in the walls of organs and blood vessels, and they are typically involuntary. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart and are also involuntary.

In the case of the small intestine muscles and artery muscles, we can determine that they are not skeletal muscles because they are not attached to bones. Since they are both involved in involuntary actions (pushing digested material along and pushing blood along), we can conclude that both sets of muscles are smooth muscles. That eliminates options b and d.

Now, regarding the voluntary or involuntary nature of these smooth muscles, we can determine that the muscles in the walls of the small intestine are involuntary because their contractions happen automatically, without conscious control. On the other hand, muscles located in the arteries are involuntary for the same reason – we cannot consciously control the movements of our arteries.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. Both sets of muscles are smooth, although one set is involuntary, and the other set is voluntary.

Moving on to Question 4, we are asked to choose the best set of words to fill in the blanks of the given sentence. In order to do that, we need to consider the properties of human bones.

Human bones are strong, durable, and provide structural support to our bodies. They are not hollow (a) because they are made of solid tissue. Human bones are also not fragile (d) because they can withstand significant force without breaking easily. Therefore, options a and d can be eliminated.

Between options b and c, we need to consider the lightweight and flexibility aspects. While bones can be described as solid, they are not necessarily lightweight. However, human bones do possess some degree of flexibility. Given this information, the best choice is c. compact; flexible.

Thus, the correct answer is c. compact; flexible.

I hope this explanation helps! If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask.