18 less than 5 times r number geater than 75

5r - 18 > 75

To solve the equation "18 less than 5 times a number is greater than 75," we can translate the words into mathematical expressions.

Let's denote the number as "r."

The word "less" indicates subtraction, so "18 less than 5 times r" can be written as "5r - 18."

The phrase "is greater than" indicates inequality, so "5r - 18 is greater than 75" can be written as "5r - 18 > 75."

Now we can solve the inequality:

5r - 18 > 75

We'll begin by isolating the variable "r" by adding 18 to both sides:

5r - 18 + 18 > 75 + 18

This simplifies to:

5r > 93

Next, we'll isolate "r" by dividing both sides by 5:

(5r)/5 > 93/5

This simplifies to:

r > 18.6

Therefore, the solution to the inequality "18 less than 5 times a number is greater than 75" is r > 18.6.