describe the hardships and indignities faced by the africans from the time of being captured and transported to the americas to their life as enslaved laborers in the americas

Well I mean, some people come here because they're stuck and can't find answers due to lack of description in questions, so you can't really say that everyone's cheating. Plus, textbooks are usually the same way, it's just how it is.

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could you send some links that says it straight forward but isn’t a long text of a text at all

I just wrote down that they had to be led away from there homes and families to work as slaves in a different country No idea if its right or not so do not use this as an answer unless mrs sue says that it is actually correct 😂

the entire point of this website is to get free answers with a few mistakes if you want go to brainly

You are just stupid, people come here for free answers when they're stuck and can't find any answers when you go to brainly you don't get answers you have to pay for it some people don't want to pay for apps that supposed to tell you it just listens to get X in the first place cuz I got I paid for it and I got us each and every time so I came here to get help and you guys just keep arguing and arguing say it's getting no it's not just asking for help

BLA BLA this is stupid

In other words brainly doesn't help you just give to f because they aren't the right answers some people come here the free answers

Describe the hardships and indignities faced by Africans from the time of being captured and transported to the Americas to their life as enslaved laborers in the Americas.