What is the purposes of subheadings in informational text?

A- to highlight supporting ideas
B- to identify the main idea
C- to summarize information in a visual way
D- to define specialized vocabulary

i need all of the answerz


Opps I forgot to add my answer, my answer is B

No. SubheadingS (plural) does not go along with main idea (singular).

Okay, then how about A?

Yes, A,

THX you

You're welcome.

The purpose of subheadings in informational text is to organize and structure the content for readers. Subheadings help readers quickly identify the different sections or main ideas within the text. They act as signposts, guiding readers through the information and making it easier to locate specific details or focus on specific topics of interest.

To determine the correct answer among the options provided, one can analyze the role of subheadings. A subheading's primary function is not to define specialized vocabulary (option D). While subheadings can sometimes include vocabulary explanations or definitions, their main purpose is not to define specialized terms.

Subheadings also go beyond simply summarizing information in a visual way (option C). While subheadings may give readers a glimpse of the content within a particular section, its main objective is not to solely summarize the information visually. The visual aspect might be a secondary benefit, but not the primary purpose.

Identifying the main idea (option B) is also not the primary purpose of subheadings, although they do play a role in highlighting and distinguishing main ideas within a piece of text. However, the primary role of subheadings is not to solely identify the main idea.

Therefore, the most accurate answer is A - to highlight supporting ideas. Subheadings help readers identify and understand the supporting ideas or themes within a particular section of an informational text. By breaking down the information into smaller, manageable chunks, subheadings make it easier for readers to follow the flow of the content and grasp the key points.