1. Connoisseurship was a process in 19th century architecture.

a. true
b. false

2. Landscape architecture flourished in the late 18th century.

a. true
b. false

3. Jacques-Louis David was the leading force in French painting during the revolutionary and Napoleonic eras.

a. true
b. false

#1. Connoisseurship is the study of art objects at an intense level. so im thinking #1 is false, although i cant find any dates to back it up.

#2. Landscape architecture took place in the 18th century and was led by innovated designer lancelot "capability" brown. so this would be true i think.

#3. ive seen his work throught he french revolution, but see nothing of the napoleonic era. i think this is false

I have already answered these questions for you.



To determine the correct answers to these questions, let's break down each statement and find the information needed to reach a conclusion.

1. Connoisseurship was a process in 19th-century architecture.

Connoisseurship refers to the expertise and deep understanding of art objects, including architecture. To determine if this statement is true or false, we need to find out whether connoisseurship was indeed a process specifically in 19th-century architecture.

To find the answer, we can conduct a search using keywords like "connoisseurship in 19th-century architecture" or "connoisseurship in architecture history." By exploring reliable sources such as academic articles, reputable websites, or books on architectural history, we can gather the relevant information to decide the accuracy of the statement.

2. Landscape architecture flourished in the late 18th century.

To verify this statement, we need to determine if landscape architecture experienced significant growth or development during the late 18th century.

Similar to the previous question, a search using keywords like "landscape architecture in the late 18th century" or "history of landscape architecture" can provide us with the information needed. By consulting reliable sources, we can assess whether landscape architecture did indeed flourish during this time period.

3. Jacques-Louis David was the leading force in French painting during the revolutionary and Napoleonic eras.

To evaluate this statement, we need to determine whether Jacques-Louis David, a renowned French painter, was indeed influential during both the revolutionary era and the Napoleonic era.

Again, conducting a search using relevant keywords like "Jacques-Louis David revolutionary era" or "Jacques-Louis David and Napoleonic era" can help us find the necessary information. By consulting authoritative sources such as biographies, historical records, or art history publications, we can establish the accuracy of this statement.

Remember that it is crucial to consult credible sources and cross-verify information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy in your conclusions.