The map of Mississippian Indian settlement is most likely displaying which cultural characteristic prior to European contact?

A) the official end of nomadic herding
B) the establishment of long houses along primary rivers
C) the creation of earthen mounds, known as earthwork mounds
D) the location of several water sources required for survival

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it said i cant put urls

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To determine the correct answer, let's break down each option and see which one aligns with the cultural characteristic most likely displayed on the map of Mississippian Indian settlement prior to European contact:

A) The official end of nomadic herding: This option seems unrelated to the cultural characteristic in question since it pertains to nomadic herding, not settlement patterns or cultural practices.

B) The establishment of long houses along primary rivers: While this option suggests a settled lifestyle near rivers, it does not specifically indicate the cultural characteristic mentioned.

C) The creation of earthen mounds, known as earthwork mounds: This option aligns with the cultural characteristic mentioned. Mississippian Indians were known for constructing earthwork mounds, which served various purposes such as ceremonial, residential, and administrative functions.

D) The location of several water sources required for survival: This option indicates the importance of water sources for survival, but it does not directly address the cultural characteristic of Mississippian Indians.

Based on the above analysis, the most likely option displaying a cultural characteristic prior to European contact on the map of Mississippian Indian settlement would be:

C) The creation of earthen mounds, known as earthwork mounds.

To arrive at this answer, it's essential to have some background knowledge of Mississippian Indian culture and their practices of constructing earthwork mounds.

I can't see your map.