Would someone please reword this?

Note: Remember to show all of the steps that you use to solve the problem. Be sure to use the text box where the question mark (?) first appears to show your mathematical work. You can use the comments field to explain your work. Your teacher will review each step of your response to ensure you receive proper credit for your answer.
Write the steps to solve the following problem. Explain your steps as you solve it.
A certain computer can perform 105 calculations per second. How many calculations can it perform in 10 seconds?

rate * time = amount

105 * 10 = 1050

I showed you the reason I took the step I did.

Maybe you need to write it out in a different form...

A certain computer can perform 10^5 calculations per second. How many calculations can it perform in 10 seconds?

Is what it's supposed to say, sorry!

That.....wasn't what I asked, but thanks anyway!

To find out how many calculations a computer can perform in 10 seconds, you need to multiply the number of calculations it can perform per second (105) by the number of seconds (10).

Step 1: Start with the given information: the computer can perform 105 calculations per second and we want to find how many calculations it can perform in 10 seconds.

Step 2: Write the mathematical expression to represent the problem:

Number of calculations = Number of calculations per second x Number of seconds

Step 3: Substitute the values into the expression:

Number of calculations = 105 x 10

Step 4: Calculate the result:

Number of calculations = 1050

Therefore, the computer can perform 1050 calculations in 10 seconds.

clearly, 10^5 * 10 = 10^6, right?