Which is the blue jay's species within its genus?


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The blue jay's species within its genus is Cyanocitta cristata.

To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods. One way is to search online. You can use search engines like Google and enter the keywords "blue jay genus and species." The search results will likely provide you with reliable sources, such as reputable wildlife websites, where you can find the specific species within the genus Cyanocitta.

Another approach is to consult a field guide or a book about birds. These resources often provide detailed information about bird species, including blue jays. Look for the section dedicated to blue jays and find the information about its genus and species.

Additionally, you can reach out to experts in the field of ornithology or bird enthusiasts who may have extensive knowledge about blue jays. They can provide you with accurate information about the blue jay's species within its genus. Social media platforms or online forums focused on birds or nature could be useful for connecting with knowledgeable individuals.