The "Popol Vuh" indicates that the Myans valued

A) agriculture
B) architecture
C) government
D) arts.

Pls help

I think you mean the Mayans.

Let us know what you decide.

What’s the answer

To determine which of these options the Popol Vuh indicates the Maya valued, we need to analyze the contents of the Popol Vuh. The Popol Vuh is a sacred text of the Maya civilization, containing a mix of history, mythology, and religious beliefs. It provides insights into the Maya worldview and their cultural values.

To find the answer, we can examine the various themes and narratives in the Popol Vuh. While the Maya civilization valued elements from each of the given options, the text emphasizes certain aspects more than others.

Agriculture: The Popol Vuh includes stories that revolve around the importance of agriculture in Maya society. It portrays deities and ancestral characters engaged in activities related to farming and the cultivation of maize, such as the creation of humans from maize dough.

Architecture: The Popol Vuh does mention architecture, particularly in the context of building important structures like temples and cities. However, the text does not emphasize architecture as much as other aspects.

Government: The Popol Vuh does contain elements related to government, but it is not the central focus of the text. It does mention rulers and leadership, but it does not extensively explore the intricacies of Maya governance.

Arts: The Maya civilization had a rich tradition of art, including painting, sculpture, pottery, and more. The Popol Vuh provides insights into Maya mythology, which is often depicted through various artistic expressions. The text features intricate narratives, symbolism, and descriptions that highlight the artistic aspects of Maya culture.

Based on the analysis above, the Popol Vuh indicates that the Maya valued D) arts. While they also placed importance on agriculture, architecture, and government, the artistic expressions and cultural significance associated with the arts are particularly emphasized in the text.