Which of the following technologies required the measurement of the stars for navigation?

A. compass**

B. lateen

C. Mercator projection

D. astrolabe

The answer is D.

It`s D

i took the test

Jimin do you have the whole test?

Yep itโ€™s D, because astro is like Astronomy which means the study of stars so astrolabe has something to do with stars.

its the astrolabe, it has the prefix ASTRO in it, just a way to remember that qwq

wow you guys are smart

Wow- cause that's not common sense.

To remember this think of an astrolabe as an astronaut who is in space with stars ๐Ÿ™ƒ

The technology that required the measurement of the stars for navigation is the astrolabe (option D). To obtain this answer, you can break down each option and determine which one is related to celestial navigation.

A compass (option A) is a tool that uses Earth's magnetic field to determine direction, so it does not require measuring stars for navigation.

A lateen (option B) is a type of sail, which is not directly connected to measuring stars for navigating.

A Mercator projection (option C) is a map projection technique used for creating nautical charts, but it does not involve measuring stars for navigation.

An astrolabe (option D) is a historical instrument used to measure the altitude and position of celestial bodies, particularly the stars, and was commonly used by sailors for celestial navigation.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D, the astrolabe.


Look up those 4 choices here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/
Then let us know what you decide.