what is the Incan mita system? (I'm a little lost I couldn't find it in my book)


The Incan mita system was a mandatory labor tax imposed by the Inca Empire on its subjects. It required all able-bodied individuals to contribute a certain amount of their time and labor to the state. To understand it further, let's explore how you can find information about the Incan mita system.

1. Check your textbook index: Start by looking at the index of your book. Sometimes, the mita system may be listed under a different name or in a broader section on Inca society and governance.

2. Utilize online resources: If your textbook does not provide sufficient information, you can search online. Use a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo and enter "Incan mita system." This should provide you with a variety of sources, including articles, academic papers, or educational websites that explain the concept in detail.

3. Visit your school or local library: Libraries often have a section dedicated to history and culture, including information on ancient civilizations like the Inca Empire. Consult the librarian, who can guide you towards specific books or reference materials related to the Incan mita system.

When examining any source, ensure that it is reputable and reliable. Academic sources or those from recognized historical experts are generally more accurate and trustworthy. Take notes and cross-reference different sources to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the Incan mita system.

Remember, if you're still having trouble finding information on a particular topic, don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher, professor, or classmates for assistance. They might be able to provide you with additional resources or explanations.