In the scale drawing below each side is .38 cm long. Use the scale factor 1cm=6.5m. What is the perimeter of the actual object?


1. 14 to 18, 14:18, 14/18

2. 1 to 8, 1:8, 1/8

3. 1/8, 2/16, 3/24

4. 12/5

5. 60.86 miles/hour

6. 38 people per square mile

7. $13.26

8. the bagels at fresh side grocery are $0.09
less expensive than the bagels at value mart.

9. $12.60 for 7 bottles of juice

10. 2/5

11. 72/27

12. 60/35

13. 6/36' 5/30

14. 2.0 fluid ounces

15. 43 parts

16. 442 people

17. 30

18. 11.14

19. no because the corresponding angles are not congruent and the corresponding sides are not proportional

20. 9

21. 4.8 ft

22. 12.35

23. 15.4 in

24. 1 cm = 9.5 km

note: I care for all of you and I want to see y 'all succeed even if i dont I will still be there when you need support I wish you all a merry Christmas and good grades I'm sorry that if you already took the test and answered the BABON on top who gave the WRONG answers so there it is 100% this was a lot of typing lol!

not cool man I got a 7/24 (29.2%). you ruined me and I was desperate and one of my Christmas gift for my mom was me being a all A student thanks now it will take forever to bring up my grade you liar >:(.

The options are


.38 x 6.5 = 2.47 but that isn't an option

The answer is 12.35!!!

Why are you young ones screaming?

YAY 50% GRADE IN LANG ARTS is correct that guy also destroyed my grade dang I hate math


in the scale drawing below each side is 47.5 cm long. Use the scale factor 1cm=6.5m. What is the perimeter of the actual object?

I need help w/ this one too ASAP