the approxiamate distance between two villiages is given as 11km. The actual distance is 10.7km. Find the diffrence in metres

i get stuck on this

100(11 - 10.7) = ?


Oops -- I forgot a very important zero.

Thanks, Steve.

To find the difference in meters between the approximate distance and the actual distance, you need to convert both distances to meters and then subtract them.

1. Convert the approximate distance from kilometers to meters:
- 11 km = 11,000 meters

2. Convert the actual distance from kilometers to meters:
- 10.7 km = 10,700 meters

3. Subtract the actual distance from the approximate distance:
- 11,000 - 10,700 = 300 meters

Therefore, the difference in meters between the approximate distance and the actual distance is 300 meters.