can someone please check my answers

1.what is the best way to figure out a poem's theme?
a.look for a line in which the poet states the theme directly.
b.infer the theme from details,images,and symbols.
c.analyze the rhyme scheme and meter of the poem.
d.use the poet's biography as a clue.
i chose b am i correct ?
2.which of the following comparisons does blake make use to develop the theme of ''a poison tree''?
a.evil is compared to a snake.
b.the results of evil are compared to a poison apple.
c. london is compared to biblical england.
d. rage is compared to a howling wind.
i chose b am i correct?
3.which of the following statements is the best example of dramatic irony?
a.''a little black thing in times of woe crying 'weep,'weep,in notes of woe''.
b.''though all the morning was cold,tom was happy and warm;so,if all do their duty they need not fear harm.''
c.''i was angry with my friend;i told my anger and my wrath did end.
d.''tyger,tyger burning bright,in the forests of the night.''
i chose c am i correct?
4.what do all different types of irony have in common ?
a.they all use witty language.
b.they rely on the character's ignorance about the situation.
c.this is some degree of discrepancy between expectation and reality.
d.they all utilize language that is sarcastic or nasty.
i chose c am i correct?
5.which of the following phrases uses synesthesia?
a.''coled a long age in deep-delved earth...''
b.''of beechen green,and shadows numberless...''
c.''here,where men sit and hear each other groan...''
d.''and leaden-eyed despairs ...''
i chose b am i correct?
6.for the romantic poets,nature is
a.a force that acts on the human mind.
b. a constant source of pleasure.
c.a menacing and hostile presence in their lives.
d.a force that humans cannot control.
i chose a am i correct?
7.which of the following lines from the poem ''lines composed a few miles above tintern abbey'' is not strict blank verse ?
a.''and passing even into my purer mind,...''
b.''the landscape with the quiet of the sky.''
c.''five years past;five summers with the length,...''
d.''the day is come when i again repose,...''
i chose c am i correct?
8.which of the following sentences is the best example of personification?
b,''glittering in the smokeless air...''
c.''ne'er saw i,felt,a calm so deep.''
d.''the river glideth at its own sweet will...''
i chose d am i correct?
in''the world is too much with us,'' wordsworth uses allusion to emphasize the speaker's connection to?
a.the material world.
b.the sea.
c.ancient civilizations.
d. christianity
i chose b am i correct? ''ase'er beneath a waning moon was haunted /by women wailing for her demon what words does alliteration appear?,a,was
i chose d am i correct?
11.which of the following contains assonance?
a.''a little distance from the prow...''
b.''sweetly,sweetly,blew the breeze-''
c.''the cold sweat melted from their limbs?''
d.''and soon i heard a roaring wind;''
i chose b am i correct?
12.which of the following influences of the romantic period are apparent in frankenstein?
a.the monster as a romantic hero who is rejected from society.
b.allusions to the rime of the ancient mariner and other romantic works. example of human natures's conflict with experience.
d.all of the above.
i chose d am i correct?
13.what role does nature play in frankenstein? seems to react to victor's feelings and thoughts. seems to cause problems for victor. is an essential part of victor's ability to create life.
d.both a and c.
i chose a am i correct?
14. frankenstein allows three distinct storylines that are woven together.they are?
a.the stories of henry clerval,victor frankenstein,and the monster.
b.the stories of the monster,elizabeth frankenstein,and the university.
c.the stories of robert walton,the monster,and victor frankenstein.
d.the stories of robert walton,henry clerval,and victor frankenstein.
i chose c am i correct?

1) is b

2) b 3) b 4) c 5)b 6) a 7)a 8)c

1. Your answer is correct. The best way to figure out a poem's theme is to infer the theme from details, images, and symbols.

2. Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is d. In "A Poison Tree," Blake compares rage to a howling wind to develop the theme.

3. Your answer is correct. The statement "I was angry with my friend; I told my anger and my wrath did end" is an example of dramatic irony.

4. Your answer is correct. All different types of irony have in common that there is some degree of discrepancy between expectation and reality.

5. Your answer is correct. The phrase "of beechen green, and shadows numberless" uses synesthesia, as it combines the senses of sight and touch.

6. Your answer is correct. For the Romantic poets, nature is a force that acts on the human mind.

7. Your answer is correct. The line "five years past; five summers with the length" is not strict blank verse, as it does not follow the rhythmic pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables.

8. Your answer is correct. The sentence "the river glideth at its own sweet will" is the best example of personification, as it gives human-like qualities to the river.

9. Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is c. In "The World is Too Much With Us," Wordsworth uses allusion to emphasize the speaker's connection to ancient civilizations.

10. Your answer is correct. Alliteration appears in the words "her, e'er, haunted."

11. Your answer is correct. Assonance appears in the phrase "sweetly, sweetly, blew the breeze."

12. Your answer is correct. All of the above influences of the Romantic period are apparent in Frankenstein.

13. Your answer is correct. Nature in Frankenstein seems to react to Victor's feelings and thoughts.

14. Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is a. The distinct storylines in Frankenstein are the stories of Henry Clerval, Victor Frankenstein, and the monster.

1. To figure out a poem's theme, it is best to infer the theme from details, images, and symbols. This means looking for recurring ideas, symbols, or metaphors throughout the poem that can help you understand the overall message or central idea.

2. In "A Poison Tree" by Blake, the comparison made to develop the theme is "the results of evil are compared to a poison apple." This comparison helps to convey the consequences and destructive nature of harboring anger and grudges.

3. The best example of dramatic irony is option A, "‘’A little black thing in times of woe crying 'weep,' weep, in notes of woe.'' This line is an example of dramatic irony because the speaker does not realize that the "little black thing" is actually their own child, which adds a layer of irony and tension to the poem.

4. All different types of irony have in common that there is some degree of discrepancy between expectation and reality (option C). Irony relies on unexpected twists or contradictions between what is expected and what actually happens.

5. The correct phrase that uses synesthesia is option A, "Coled a long age in deep-delved earth..." Synesthesia refers to the blending of different senses in a single expression, such as using "coled" to describe a feeling that combines coldness and darkness.

6. For the Romantic poets, nature is viewed as a force that acts on the human mind (option A). They often saw nature as a powerful source of inspiration and saw it as a reflection of their own emotions and thoughts.

7. The line that is not strict blank verse in "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" is option D, "The day is come when I again repose..." This line does not follow the typical pattern of iambic pentameter, which is characteristic of blank verse.

8. The best example of personification is option D, "The river glideth at its own sweet will." Personification involves attributing human qualities or actions to non-human entities, as in this example where the river is given the ability to act independently.

9. In "The World is Too Much With Us," Wordsworth uses allusion to emphasize the speaker's connection to the sea (option B). Allusion refers to making references to other literary works, mythological figures, or historical events to enhance the meaning of a poem.

10. The words in which alliteration appears in the phrase "As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted / By women wailing for her demon lover" are option A, "As, a, was." Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.

11. The phrase that contains assonance is option C, "The cold sweat melted from their limbs?" Assonance refers to the repetition of vowel sounds within words.

12. In "Frankenstein," all of the influences of the Romantic period mentioned in options A, B, and C are apparent. The monster can be seen as a romantic hero rejected from society, there are allusions to other Romantic works, and it examines the conflict between human nature and experience.

13. Nature in "Frankenstein" seems to react to Victor's feelings and thoughts, as well as being an essential part of his ability to create life. So, the correct answer is option D, "Both A and C."

14. The distinct storylines that are woven together in "Frankenstein" are the stories of Robert Walton, the monster, and Victor Frankenstein. Therefore, the correct answer is option C.