The ratio of the number of pencils to pens is 5 : 7. There are q pens. Express the number of pencils in terms of q.

5/7 q

p/q = 5/7

now just solve for p

To express the number of pencils in terms of q, we need to use the given ratio of pencils to pens, which is 5 : 7.

Let's define the number of pencils as p.

According to the ratio, the number of pencils to pens is 5 : 7, so we can set up the equation:

p / q = 5 / 7

To solve for p, we can cross multiply:

7p = 5q

Finally, we divide both sides of the equation by 7:

p = (5q) / 7

Therefore, the number of pencils in terms of q is (5q) / 7.

To express the number of pencils in terms of q, we can use the given ratio of pencils to pens, which is 5 : 7.

In a ratio, the two parts are proportional. This means that if we increase both numbers in the ratio by the same factor, the ratio remains the same.

Since the ratio is 5 : 7, we can write it as a fraction: 5/7.

Let's define the number of pencils as p. We know that the ratio of pencils to pens is 5 : 7, so we can set up the following equation:

p/q = 5/7

To express p in terms of q, we can multiply both sides of the equation by q:

p = (5/7)q

Therefore, the number of pencils in terms of q is p = (5/7)q.