What is the purpose of subheadings in an informational text?

to highlight supporting ideas
to identify the main idea***
to summarize information in a visual way
to define specialized vocabulary

I had 15 questions.

Would you use subheadings (plural) to identify (one) main idea?

yes i know

The purpose of subheadings in an informational text is to identify and highlight supporting ideas. They are not used to identify the main idea, summarize information in a visual way, or define specialized vocabulary.

To determine the purpose of subheadings in an informational text, you can look at their location and content within the text. Subheadings are usually found below the main heading or title and are often formatted in a different font or style to stand out. They provide a brief overview of the topic or idea that will be discussed in the corresponding section of the text.

By using subheadings, writers can organize their information into logical sections or categories, making it easier for readers to navigate and understand the text. Each subheading represents a specific supporting idea that contributes to the overall topic or main idea of the text. This allows readers to quickly scan the text and locate the specific information they are looking for.

In summary, subheadings play an important role in informational texts by helping to organize and highlight supporting ideas, making the text more accessible and reader-friendly.