Who were the Moors, and how did they affect Spain during their rule?

Answer: The Moors, who derived largely from Arabia and Northern Africa, ruled huge swathes of Southern Spain for seven centuries, and had a widening impact on Spanish culture. The Muslim rule of Medieval Iberia (modern-day Spain) has heavily influenced Spain's language, intellectual culture, and architecture.

I recommend you do not use this website for the short answer questions on this test because I just got caught so if you REALLY need the answers for it then at least change it AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

lol that isnt rlly an answer. its just saying that the muslim rule of medieval iberia influenced stuff, but it doesn't say how it influenced it. It doesn't actually provide any real information

Moors were the Muslim inhabitants of the former Roman Africa Province who lived near the Mediterranean Sea.


The Moors were a group of Muslims people from northern Africa who invaded Spain. These Islamic people conquered Spain and Portugal during the times leading up to the First Crusade.

Moors invaded Spain, taking their Islamic faith and culture with them by defeating the Visigoths. They ruled the Southern part of Spain from 711 to 1492 when Granada captured by Fernidad V and Isabella I.

In Southern Spain, the Moors established a stronghold with the Umayyad caliphate. Some cities like Cordoba, Toledo, Granada, and Seville were under the Moors. Their presence in Spain considered a threat because of their religion.

that was taken from brainly but thanks bro XD

so?? what's the answer??

Ya thx

if you are connexus student then go to lesson 9 unit 9. it has the information you need there so you can put it in your own words.

I like how not a robot asked you to use proper grammar, yet said," uHHhHHh"

like that's proper grammar XD

But stupid is spelled like that