The scale of a map is 1 inch + 25 miles. How many miles does 1.25 inches represent?

25 miles
31.25 miles
62.5 miles
49.25 miles

clearly, 1.25 * 25, right?

To find out how many miles 1.25 inches represents on the map, we can use the given scale: 1 inch + 25 miles.

Let's calculate it step-by-step:

1 inch corresponds to 25 miles.
0.25 inches (1.25 inches - 1 inch) correspond to 0.25 * 25 = 6.25 miles.

Therefore, 1.25 inches on the map represents 25 miles + 6.25 miles = 31.25 miles.

So, the correct answer is 31.25 miles.

To find out how many miles 1.25 inches represents on the map, you need to use the given scale of 1 inch + 25 miles.

First, determine the number of miles represented by 1 inch:
1 inch represents 25 miles.

Next, multiply the number of miles represented by 1 inch by the given measurement of 1.25 inches:
1 inch * 1.25 = 1.25 inches

Now, calculate the number of miles represented by 1.25 inches using the scale:
1 inch represents 25 miles, so you can set up a proportion using the scale:
1 inch / 25 miles = 1.25 inches / x miles

Cross-multiply to solve for x:
1 inch * x miles = 1.25 inches * 25 miles
x miles = 31.25 miles

Therefore, 1.25 inches on the map represents 31.25 miles.

So, the correct answer is 31.25 miles.

Well... one inch is 25 miles.... so

1/4 inch more is 1/4 more than 25
You could also set up a proportion and solve
1/25 = 1.25/x
and solve for x : )