How many have responded to the cultural diffusion taking place in southwest Asia?

A.)most conservative Muslims have embraced it

B.) many moderate Muslims have accepted it

C.) most Christians have opposed it

D.) much of the Jewish population has accepted it

For the Southwest and South Asia Today Pretest...

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. Lebanon
5. B
6. Arid climates
7. (from top to bottom) The British government, Mohandas Gandhi, South Asian nations, India and Pakistan.
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. India and Nepal
12. A
Most of the credit should go to @The goodies. You can down-vote this if it gets you a bad score, the better the votes the more you can tell I'm not lying.


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3. C
5. B
6.arid climate
7.I'm to lazy
11.India and Nepal
Your welcome

Gimme dem goodies.

yo whatt is the answer

I have this same question I need help please im bad at social studies

How was the fall out the window, my ugly wife?

@The goodies is this the answers for the Southwest Asia pretest ?

It was a pretest so I had to take it before I could read any of the text

So the first 6 answers were correct but its a pre test and your teachers can get suspicious if you get all the answers correct. uhm my snap is frankietied11 have a good day😚