How did John Calhoun react to the Tariff of 1828 there's not an answer in here that says he resigned

Are these your choices?

A. He used his power as Vice President to influence President Jackson to oppose the tariff.
B. He led a charge to impose sticker regulations on the second bank of the United States.
C. He devised a force bill allowing the president the right to use the army to enforce the tariff.
D. He claimed that states had the right to cancel any federal law deemed unconstitutional.

What are your answer choices? What is your answer?

He did resign, and later that year authored an article on the right of a state to nullify a federal law. That was the beginning of the concept of nullification, which led to the Civil War

To find out how John Calhoun reacted to the Tariff of 1828, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for reliable sources: Look for credible historical sources that provide information about John Calhoun's reaction to the Tariff of 1828. These sources can include biographies, scholarly articles, or primary documents from that time period.

2. Check primary sources: Primary sources include letters, speeches, or personal accounts written by John Calhoun himself. Look for any primary sources that discuss his stance on the tariff.

3. Study historical context: Understand the historical context surrounding the Tariff of 1828 and John Calhoun's role in it. This will provide a deeper understanding of his potential reactions and motivations.

It is important to note that while John Calhoun did play a significant role in the major tariff debates of the period, he did not resign explicitly due to the Tariff of 1828. Rather, his resignation came later in 1832 when he resigned as Vice President over the issue of nullification and states' rights.