A typical diet provides about 2000 food Calories per day, or 2000 kilocalories. Calculate the equivalent number of joules.

2000kcal to joules:

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2000kcal to joules

To convert calories to joules, you can use the conversion factor of 1 calorie = 4.184 joules.

Given that a typical diet provides 2000 kilocalories (2000 kcal), you can convert this to calories by multiplying by 1000: 2000 kcal x 1000 cal/kcal = 2,000,000 calories.

Finally, to convert calories to joules, you can multiply by the conversion factor: 2,000,000 cal x 4.184 J/cal = 8,368,000 joules.

Therefore, a typical diet that provides 2000 kilocalories is equivalent to 8,368,000 joules.

To calculate the equivalent number of joules from food Calories (also known as kilocalories or kcal), we need to use the conversion factor between Calories and joules.

The conversion factor is as follows:

1 food Calorie (kcal) = 4.184 kilojoules (kJ)

Here's how to calculate the equivalent number of joules:

1. Start with the given number of food Calories (kilocalories): 2000 kcal
2. Use the conversion factor to convert Calories to joules:
2000 kcal × 4.184 kJ/kcal = 8368 kilojoules (kJ)

Therefore, a typical diet that provides 2000 food Calories per day is equivalent to approximately 8368 kilojoules per day.