In investors deposits 10000.ten years later it is worth 17910.what rate of return did the investors earns on investment

10000 = 17910(1+i)^10

(1+i)^10 = 1.791
take the 10th root of both sides, solve for i

To calculate the rate of return, we need to use the formula for compound interest:

Future Value = Present Value * (1 + Rate)^Time

In this case, the Future Value is $17,910, the Present Value is $10,000, and the Time is 10 years. We need to solve for the Rate.

Rearranging the formula, we have:

Rate = (Future Value / Present Value)^(1/Time) - 1

Calculating the rate using the given values:

Rate = ($17,910 / $10,000)^(1/10) - 1

Rate = 1.791^(0.1) - 1

Rate = 1.082 - 1

Rate = 0.082

To express this as a percentage, we can multiply by 100:

Rate = 0.082 * 100

Rate = 8.2%

Therefore, the investor earned a rate of return of 8.2% on their investment over ten years.