Above is a 2nd graph

Part 1

Present these results by creating a line graph.

Part 2


1)What is relationship between the biotic And abiotic factors?

2) how did the construction of a parking lot, hiking trail, and playground affect the fish population in the pond?

3) what can happen to an animal species if it cannot adapt to changes taking place in its habitat?

Part 3

1. How would the ecosystem carrying capacity for species change if cannot adapt to changes in it’s habitat.

2. Why are biologist concerned about because system disruption?

3. If you were conducting this experiment in real life might be some possible sources of error in theExperiment?

If your goin to right the answer. Write like this

Ex: Part 2, question 1 is.....

If u can answer all the questions, thank you so much.

Directions to the City of Springfield has built a public park around beautiful Cypress Pond. The city has hired you as its lead environmental scientist. Your job is to monitor the impact the new park has on the. Biodiversity of cypress pond. You will need to use information taught in this unit to successfully complete this worksheet.

1. Explain the process of succession to.

2Describe how changes in an ecosystem can affect the organisms that live there.

3. Describe the amount of time needed for complete ecosystem recovery.

Cypress Pond Park planning City officials planned at the placement of the playground hiking trail and parking lot around the Pont in response to concerns that polluted water would run off of the parking lot and into the pond when it rains they decided to place the parking area as far from the pond as possible the most playground was Bill on the other side of the pond and a new hiking trail ones all the way around the part many trees were removed to make room for the parking lot playground and hiking trail

your job as an environmental scientist is to study the impact of the park has on the pond ecosystem the pond contains trout and catfish catfish are very tolerant of pollution but trout are much more sensitive and die off easily when exposed to excessive pollution it's before the land and pond were distributed by the construction of the playground hiking trail and parking lot you counted the number of fish in the pond at the time Cypress Pond contain 100 trout and 100 catfish now you need to design an experiment to monitor the parks impact on the populations of trout and catfish over the next 12 months

1. What is the purpose of your experiment to. Develop a hypothesis for the experiment?

2. Develop a hypothesis for that experience.

3. What are the dependent and independent, variables of your experiment?

Monitoring The biodiversity of Cypress Pond produce.

In this section you’ll create step-by-step produce for testing and monitoring the number of trout and catfish in Cypress Pond. You must monitor them once per month for 12 months after the Park is built.


Data from Monitoring The bio diversity of Cypress Pond.
Listed below or results of your hard work. You monitored the population of trout and catfish in Cypress Pond every month or year after the park was developed. For each month add the amount of both types of fish together. Write the total in the total number of fish column. Present these results by creating a line graph.

Help me please? I am stuck on this one !πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Don't say that.

I've done all the other work by myself, i just don't know how to make a graph through a computer keybored on a black space.... how am i supposed to tyoe that out?

Ex: Part 1

To present the results on a line graph, follow these steps:
1. Choose the appropriate software or tool to create a line graph. You can use programs like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or any other graphing software.
2. Label the horizontal axis with the independent variable, which in this case, could be time.
3. Label the vertical axis with the dependent variable, such as the population size of a specific species.
4. Plot the data points on the graph, connecting them with a line.
5. Add a title to the graph that accurately reflects the data being presented.
6. Include a legend or labels to explain the meaning of different data sets or lines if applicable.
7. Ensure that the units of measurement and the scale are clearly shown on both axes.
8. Double-check the graph for accuracy and clarity before presenting it.

Ex: Part 2, question 1:

The relationship between biotic and abiotic factors is that they both influence each other and contribute to the overall functioning of an ecosystem. Biotic factors are the living components, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, while abiotic factors are the non-living components, such as temperature, water availability, soil composition, and sunlight. Biotic factors depend on abiotic factors for survival, as the availability of resources like food, water, and shelter depends on the abiotic conditions. At the same time, biotic factors can also influence abiotic factors, for example, plants can affect soil moisture and temperature through their transpiration. The relationship between the two is complex and interconnected, as any changes in either biotic or abiotic factors can have cascading effects on the entire ecosystem.

Ex: Part 2, question 2:

The construction of a parking lot, hiking trail, and playground near a pond can potentially affect the fish population in various ways. The disruption caused by human activities like construction can lead to increased sedimentation and pollution of the water, which can negatively impact the fish by reducing water quality and availability of oxygen. The construction activities might also result in habitat loss and fragmentation, making it difficult for fish to migrate, spawn, or find suitable shelter and food sources. Additionally, the increased human presence near the pond can lead to disturbances, noise, and pollution, which may stress or scare away the fish. Ultimately, depending on the extent and nature of the construction, the fish population might decline, suffer from reduced growth, or exhibit changes in behavior.

Ex: Part 2, question 3:

If an animal species cannot adapt to changes taking place in its habitat, it can face several negative consequences. The lack of adaptation means the species cannot adjust to the new conditions, such as changes in temperature, availability of food, alterations in the physical environment, or the introduction of new competitors or predators. As a result, it may struggle to find adequate resources (food, water, shelter) or reproduce successfully. Over time, the species may experience a decline in population as individuals struggle to survive or reproduce, potentially leading to local extinction. Lack of adaptation can also increase the vulnerability of the species to diseases or other threats. Overall, the inability to adapt to changing conditions can significantly impact the survival and long-term persistence of a species in its habitat.

Ex: Part 3, question 1:

If a species cannot adapt to changes in its habitat, the ecosystem carrying capacity for that species would likely decrease. Carrying capacity refers to the maximum population size that an environment can sustainably support given its available resources. When a species cannot adapt, it may struggle to find enough food, water, or suitable shelter, leading to decreased birth rates, increased mortality, and overall population decline. As a result, the ecosystem's capacity to support that species would decrease, as the resources that the species previously relied upon are no longer sufficient. This can have cascading effects on the other species that interact with the one facing adaptation challenges, potentially altering the balance and dynamics of the entire ecosystem.

Ex: Part 3, question 2:

Biologists are concerned about ecosystem disruption because any disruption or imbalance within an ecosystem can have severe consequences for the organisms living within it, including plant and animal species. Ecosystem disruption can lead to declines in biodiversity, as some species may become stressed, endangered, or go extinct. This loss of diversity can impact the overall stability and resilience of the ecosystem, making it more susceptible to further disruptions or changes. Ecosystem disruptions can also affect the services that ecosystems provide, such as pollination, water purification, and carbon sequestration, which are crucial for human well-being. Therefore, understanding and mitigating ecosystem disruption is essential for maintaining the health and functionality of both natural and human-influenced environments.

Ex: Part 3, question 3:

In conducting this experiment in real life, there might be several possible sources of error. Some of these errors could include:
1. Measurement error: The instruments used to collect data, such as thermometers or water testing kits, could be inaccurate or imprecise, leading to errors in recorded observations.
2. Sampling error: The sample size or selection of specific areas within the ecosystem might not be representative of the entire population, leading to biased results.
3. Human error: Mistakes made during data collection, calculation, or graphing could occur due to human error or oversight.
4. External factors: External events, such as extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, or the presence of other human activities, could inadvertently influence the results or disrupt the ecosystem during the experiment.
5. Lack of control: In some cases, it may be challenging to control all the variables within the ecosystem, making it difficult to isolate the effects of a specific factor.

It is important to address and minimize these sources of error to ensure the validity and reliability of the experimental findings.

You should NOT be asking other students to give you answers. I know you are from Connexus Academy. Go back to your lessons and LEARN the answers. This website is not for cheating.