When would you choose a line graph to present data? When would you choose a bar graph?

you can choose a line graph to represent statistics, aka to show change over a certain amount of time. you can use a bar graph to compare different values/data.


When choosing between a line graph and a bar graph to present data, you should consider the nature of the data and the purpose of your presentation. Here's some guidance on when to use each type of graph:

Line Graph:
1. Trend Analysis: Use a line graph when you want to show the trend or pattern over time, such as tracking stock prices, population growth, or temperature changes.
2. Continuous Data: Line graphs are suitable for representing continuous data, where the values change smoothly without abrupt jumps or gaps.

Bar Graph:
1. Comparisons: Use a bar graph when you want to make comparisons between different categories, such as comparing sales figures for multiple products, survey responses from different age groups, or the performance of different teams in a competition.
2. Discrete Data: Bar graphs are perfect for representing discrete or categorical data, where the values are distinct and not continuous.

To create a line graph or a bar graph, follow these steps:
1. Collect and organize your data: Ensure all the data you want to represent is gathered and properly categorized.
2. Determine the suitable axis: Identify the independent variable (usually time for line graphs) to plot on the x-axis and the dependent variable to be plotted on the y-axis.
3. Scale your axes: Choose appropriate intervals and labels for each axis based on the range and nature of your data.
4. Plot the data points: For a line graph, plot each data point on the graph using a dot or a small circle, and then connect them with straight lines. For a bar graph, use vertical or horizontal bars to represent each data point.
5. Label and title your graph: Provide clear labels for each axis, a title that explains the purpose or subject of the graph, and any necessary units of measurement.
6. Customize and format: Adjust the colors, font styles, and any other visual elements to enhance readability and convey your message effectively.

These guidelines should help you decide between a line graph and a bar graph based on your data requirements, and also assist you in creating the chosen graph using the steps mentioned.

1. when it is continuous, like temperature during the whole day

2. when it is discontinuous, like temperature at each hour on the hour.