a computer can preform 10^5 problems in one second. How many problems can in it do in 10 seconds I just need help solving this and having someone explain it to me

10^5 * 10^1 = 10^(5+1) = 10^6

So why would you do 10^1 ?

Also wouldn't that just be increasing it by one second....

If you can do x problems in one second, then you can do 10x in 10 seconds, right?

So, multiply x (10^5) by 10, which is just 10^1

increasing by one second would be just adding another 10^5, making it 10^5 + 10^5 = 10^5 * 2, not 10^5 * 10

Looks like you need to review the difference between addition and multiplication ...

10^5prob./s * 10s. = 10*10^5 = 1.*10^6 Problem.

To determine the number of problems a computer can perform in 10 seconds, we need to multiply the number of problems it can do in 1 second by 10.

Given that the computer can perform 10^5 (100,000) problems in one second, we can calculate the total number of problems it can do in 10 seconds as follows:

Problems in 10 seconds = (Problems in 1 second) x (Number of seconds)

Substituting the given values:

Problems in 10 seconds = (10^5) x 10

To perform the calculation, we multiply the exponent of 10 by 10 using the rule of exponents:

Problems in 10 seconds = 10^(5+1)

Applying the rule, we add the exponents and get:

Problems in 10 seconds = 10^6

Therefore, the computer can perform 10^6 (1,000,000) problems in 10 seconds.